How to use CLI for Managed instance groups ?

We have been using the cloud console to manage the managed instance groups. Let us now learn how to use the command line interface to manage the instance groups. It is important to note that we need to set the project id before we can execute any of these commands mentioned below. Else, you will receive an error. You can use the below command to set the project id.

gcloud config set project <project name>
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Few additional commands in Google Cloud.

Below are few compute instance commands in gcloud.

gcloud compute instances start <instance 1> <instance 2 > //The instance 1 & 2 are created
gcloud compute instances stop <instance 1> < instance 2 > //The instances 1 & are stopped
gcloud compute instances delete <instance 1> // The instance 1 is deleted
gcloud compute instances delete <instance 1 > --delete-disks=<value> //deletes the boot disk along with instance
gcloud compute instances delete <instance 1> --keep-disks=<value> // keeps the boot disk even if the vm is deleted
gcloud compute instances move <instance 1> --zone us-central1-b --destination-zone us-central-f // moves the instance from central-1b zone to central-f zonet out a 
gcloud compute instance
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Command Structure in Gcloud simplified.

The typical Command Structure in Gcloud is “gcloud <group> <subgroup> <action>”. “Group” is usually the service you are working with like, compute, container, config or iam etc… “Subgroup” is the component we are referring to in the group. for example, if we take compute as a group then the instances, images, instance-templates, regions & zones are all subgroups. “action” is the action you want to take like list, create, delete & describe. Now let us look at some examples.

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Command Line Interface of GCP

The Command line interface in GCP is called as Gcloud. Most GCP services can be managed from Gcloud. We can create, delete and update virtual machines, you can manage instance groups & databases etc…

While there are some more service specific CLI tools in GCP, Gcloud is the most commonly used one. The following is the list of some service specific cli tools about which we will deal later.

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